
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.13



1. stabilize(安定させる)

= The government needs to stabilize the financial market right away.


2. lament(嘆く、悲しむ)

= They lament the decline of traditional values.


3. assail(激しく非難する)

= Opposition parties assailed the prime minister for his lack of leadership.


4. confound(困惑させる、混乱させる)

= The sudden drop in stock prices confounded economists.


5. orchestrate(画策する)

= The man is believed to have orchestrated several bombings.


6. stump(困らせる、途方に暮れさせる)

= He was completely stumped by the interview questions.


7. dissipate(消える、消散する)

= The rain clouds had dissipated by noon.


8. contemplate(考える、もくろむ)

= Nearly 40 percent of respondents contemplated changing jobs.