
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.24



1. impending(差し迫った、今にも起こりそうな)

= She was unaware of the impending danger.


2. rife(はびこって、広まって)

= Crime is rife in the city.


3. pristine(新品同様の、汚れのない、染み一つない)

= The used car was in almost pristine condition inside and out.


4. gregarious(社交的な、社交好きな)

= My aunt is a gregarious and talkative person.


5. palatable(美味しい、好ましい、気に入る)

= He found the octopus to be quite palatable.


6. qualified(資格を有する)

= She is qualified to teach English at high school level.


7. archaic(古い、現在使われていない、旧式の)

= "Tree" is an archaic from of the modern English word, "You".


8. meager(わずかな、乏しい)

= To supplement his meager income, he began working weekends.