
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.25



1. sedentary(座りっぱなしの)

= People with sedentary jobs are at risk of health problems due to lack of exercise.


2. uncouth(粗野な、がさつな)

= She found him uncouth and obnoxious.


3. exquisite(きわめて美しい、非常に見事な)

= The rooms was decorated with exquisite flower arrangements.


4. rigorous(厳しい)

= All vehicles must pass a rigorous safety inspection.


5. imperative(絶対に必要な)

= It is imperative that steps be taken immpediately.


6. viable(実現可能な)

= Electric cars are becoming commercially viable.


7. emaciated(やせ衰えた)

= The boy was so emaciated he could barely stand.


8. transient(短期滞在の)

= The city has a large transient population.