
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-


Daily English 2020.09.29

今日の単語。 1. allay(鎮める) = The government tried to allay public concern about the spread of the flu. 2. detest(ひどく嫌う) = I detest being treated like a child. 3. revitalize(再活性化する) = The prime minister promised to revit…

Daily English 2020.09.28

今日の単語。 1. agility(敏捷さ) = The baseball player combines speed and agility. 2. anomaly(不合理、矛盾) = There are many anomalies in the taxation system. 3. blunder(大失敗、へま) = He made a blunder by calling his boss the wrong …

Daily English 2020.09.27

今日の単語。 1. figment(空想、幻想) = Ghosts are a figment of our imagination. 2. hermit(世捨て人、隠遁者) = He became a hermit after losing all his property. 3. memento(思い出の品、記念品) = His room is full of mementos of his child…

Daily English 2020.09.26

今日の単語。 1. fugitive(逃亡者) = Police arrested a fugitive wanted on drug dealing charges. 2. farce(茶番、ばかげたこと) = The trial was a complete farce. 3. indiscretion(軽率な言動) = The minister apologized for his indiscretions.…

Daily English 2020.09.25

今日の単語。 1. stature(評価) = He is an artist of international stature. 2. pest(害虫) = These chemicals are used to exterminate pests. 3. ambience(雰囲気) = There was a relaxed ambience in the restaurant. 4. ape(類人類) = Chimanz…

Daily English 2020.09.24

今日の単語。 1. longevity(寿命、長寿) = Medical advance keep extending the longevity of humans. 2. outlay(費用、経費) = The project will require an initial outlay of $10 million. 3. penchant(強い好み、偏愛) = She has a penchant for c…

Daily English 2020.09.23

今日の単語。 1. ravage(荒廃、惨害) = The counrty is gradually recovering from the ravages of war. 2. misnomer(ふさわしくない名称) = "Hay fever" is a misnomer since hay is not the cause of this problem. 3. cognition(認識、認知) = Huma…

Daily English 2020.09.22

今日の単語。 1. bundle(大金、束) = He made a bundle in the stock market. 2. paycheck(給料) = Her paycheck is about $40.000 a year. 3. icon(偶像) = Marlin Monroe was an icon of the 1950s. 4. tedium(退屈さ、単調さ) = She is tired of …

Daily English 2020.09.21

今日の単語。 1. malady(弊害、病気) = Racism is one of the most disgusting maladies in our society. 2. enmity(敵意、対立、憎悪) = I have no enmity with him. 3. benevolence(寛大さ、慈悲深さ) = He lacks compassion and benevolence. 4. cl…

Daily English 2020.09.20

今日の単語。 1. zenith(頂点、絶頂) = Britian's eceonomic and political power reached its zenith in the late Victorian era. 2. defiance(反抗、挑戦) = She had a look of defiance. 3. hoax(いたずら、悪ふざけ) = The threat turned out to b…

Daily English 2020.09.19

今日の単語。 1. precedent(前例、先例) = The financial crisis in 2008 was without precedent in postwar economic history. 2. feud(確執、不和) = There is a long-standing feud between the two countries. 3. artifact(遺物、工芸品) = Bronze…

Daily English 2020.09.18

今日の単語。 1. backlog(未処理の仕事) = It took me two days to clear the backlog. 2. grudge(恨み、遺恨) = The defendant had a grudge against society. 3. maxim(格言) = As the maxim says, " Time is money." 4. veto(拒否権) = The presi…

Daily English 2020.09.17

今日の単語。 1. loophole(抜け穴) = There are many loopholes in the new law. 2. projection(予測、見通し) = In current projections, the world's population will reach 9.2 billion in 2050. 3. stealth(こっそり行うこと) = He entered the ro…

Daily English 2020.09.16

今日の単語。 1. census(国税調査) = The US is taken every 10 years. 2. mobility(流動性) = social mobility is a key concept of democracy. 3. brink(瀬戸際、寸前) = The two countries were on the brink of war. 4. levity(軽妙さ) = Someti…

Daily English 2020.09.15

今日の単語。 1. adulation(称賛、お世辞) = The singer gained the adulation of fans around the world. 2. jurisdiction(司法権、権限) = Guam is under the jurisdiction of the United States. 3. cortex(皮質) = The cerebral cortex is respons…

Daily English 2020.09.14

今日の単語。 1. aptitude(才能、素質、適性) = The boy has an incredible aptitude for math. 2. flaw(欠陥、欠点) = The product has some design flaws. 3. migration(移動、移住) = The swans have begun their migration. 4. fraction(一部、部…

Daily English 2020.09.13

今日の単語。 1. retribution(報復、報い、懲罰) = The witness refused to testify for fear of retribution. 2. gadget(小道具) = With this gadget, you can slice vegetables easily and safely. 3. hype(誇大広告) = The Internet is filled with…

Daily English 2020.09.12

今日の単語。 1. recipient(受取人) = The recipient's signature is usually required on delivery. 2. gorge(渓谷) = The river runs through a narrow gorge. 3. deportation(強制送還) = The family is facing deportation. 4. subsistence(最低…

Daily English 2020.09.11

今日の単語。 1. blister(水ぶくれ) = New shoes can give you blisters. 2. confinement(監禁) = He spent five years in solitary confinement as a political prisoner. 3. patent(特許) = In the US, most patents are valid for 20 years from th…

Daily English 2020.09.10

今日の単語。 1. propagate(広める、普及させる) = Christianity was propagated from the Roman Empire into the West. 2. flaunt(ひけらかす、見せびらかす) = He has never flaunted his achievements in front of his colleagues. 3. persist(続く…

Daily English 2020.09.09

今日の単語。 1. palate(味覚) = It is difficult to choose dishes that suit everyone's palate. 2. depletion(減少) = The depletion of the ozone layer might cause an increase in skin cancers. 3. autonomy(自治) = Japan regained political …

Daily English 2020.09.08

今日の単語。 1. medication(薬物、薬剤) = Are you taking any medication now? 2. audit(会計監査) = All listed companies must file annual audit reports. 3. inventory(在庫品、備品目録) = We have a large inventory of new computers in our …

Daily English 2020.09.07

今日の単語。 1. eligible(資格のある) = You are eligible to receive a pension. 2. adamant(譲らない、断固主張する) = He was adamant that he would not change his mind. 3. elusive(分かりにくい、とらえどころのない) = The concept of "race"…

Daily English 2020.09.06

今日の単語。 1. conspicuous(人目をつ、目立つ) = The notice was posted in a conspicuous place. 2. abject(ひどい、惨めな、悲惨な) = The project ended in abject failure. 3. homogeneous(均質の、同質の) = Japan is an ethnically homogeneou…

Daily English 2020.09.05

今日の単語。 1. captive(捕虜になった、捕らえられた) = They were taken captive by terrorists. 2. anemic(貧血の、無気力な、弱々しい) = Lack of iron makes you anemic. 3. consummate(完璧な、この上ない) = He is a consummate gentleman and …

Daily English 2020.09.04

今日の単語。 1. antagonistic(敵意を持った、敵対的な) = He was antagonistic to me personally. 2. deceased(亡くなった、死亡した) = Her deceased colleague was in his 30s. 3. paramount(最も重要な) = The safety of passengers is always par…

Daily English 2020.09.03

今日の単語。 1. incoherent(一貫性のない) = The government's foreign policy is incoherent. 2. caustic(辛辣な) = The radio host is known for his caustic humor. 3. salient(重要な) = The chairperson summarized the salient points of the d…

Daily English 2020.09.02

今日の単語。 1. lethargic(気だるい、無気力な) = I feel tired and lethargic today. 2. harrowing(痛ましい、はっきりとした) = This book is a harrowing account of child abuse. 3. explicit(明確な、はっきりとした) = He gave me explicit dir…

Daily English 2020.09.01

今日の単語。 1. savvy(経験豊かな、抜け目のない) = He is a savvy investor. 2. belligerent(挑戦的な、けんか腰の) = Police said that the man was intoxicated and was bellegerent toward officers. 3. tenacious(粘り強い、不屈の) = You have …

Daily English 2020.08.31

今日の単語。 1. rampant (はびこっている、手に負えない) = Violence is rampant in this country. 2. mundate(平凡な、ありきたりの) = She is fed up with her mundane life. 3. respiratory(呼吸の) = Passive smoking can cause respiratory dise…