
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-


Daily English 2020.10.29

今日の単語。 1. superfluous(不必要な、余計な) = Which of the following phrases contains a superfluous word? 2. venerable(尊敬すべき、由緒ある) = He is a venerable man. 3. outgoing(社交的な) = She has an outgoing personality. 4. simpl…

Daily English 2020.10.28

今日の単語。 1. frugal(つましい、質素な) = She leads a frugal life. 2. hygienic(衛生的な、清潔な) = Food must be stored in hygienic conditions. 3. insipid(風味のない、気の抜けた) = The soup was tepid and insipid. 4. intangible(漠然…

Daily English 2020.10.27

今日の単語。 1. cryptic(謎めいた、不可解な) = The titles of the author's books are always cryptic. 2. neural(神経の) = The sensation is transmitted to the brain via neural pathways. 3. daunting(気が遠くなるような、きつい) = Cooking f…

Daily English 2020.10.26

今日の単語。 1. derisive(あざけるような、ばかにした) = She looked at me with a derisive expression. 2. diffident(自信のない、遠慮がちな) = He gave his answer with a diffident smile. 3. feasible(実現可能な) = Doyou think the plan is f…

Daily English 2020.10.25

今日の単語。 1. fiscal(財政上の) = The government must undertake fiscal reforms. 2. obligatory(義務的な) = voting is obligatory for all citizens 18 years of age and older. 3. sublime(崇高な、豪華な) = Moxart's "Requiem" is one of the…

Daily English 2020.10.24

今日の単語。 1. fervent(熱心な) = He is a fervent supporter of the Republican Party. 2. buoyant(上昇傾向の) = The stock market has been buoyant over the past few months. 3. paltry(ごくわずかな) = The company's sales have increased by…

Daily English 2020.10.23

今日の単語。 1. frantic(必死の、大慌ての) = Neighbors made frantic attempts to rescue him. 2. perilous(危険な) = The country's economy is in a perilous state. 3. judicious(賢明な、分別のある、慎重な) = I thought that the judge's deci…

Daily English 2020.10.21

今日の単語。 1. exuberant(元気いっぱいの) = She is young and exuberant. 2. gullible(だまされやすい) = Gullible people tend to think that they won't get fooled. 3. squeamish(吐き気を催す) = Some people are squeamish about needles. 4. …

Daily English 2020.10.21

今日の単語。 1. erroneous(誤った、間違った) = We tend to make erroneous judgements based on our first impressions. 2. latent(潜在的な、隠れている) = The girl has a latent talent for music. 3. pungent(鼻を刺す様な、刺激のある) = There…

Daily English 2020.10.20

今日の単語。 1. opulent(豪華な、裕福な) = He lives in an opulent mansion. 2. exponential(急激な) = The country is experiencing exponential economic growth. 3. rustic(素朴な、田舎らしい) = We stayed in a rustic cabin with a fireplace.…

Daily English 2020.10.19

今日の単語。 1. ulterior(秘められた、隠された) = He must have an ulterior motive for visiting me. 2. microscopic(微細な) = Police found microsopic traces of the victim's blood in the suspect's home. 3. hefty(多額の) = The man made a …

Daily English 2020.10.18

今日の単語。 1. pamper(甘やかす) = He has grown up being pampered. 2. pry(詮索する) = Don't pry into my life. 3. repatriate(本国に送還する) = Approximately 2.000 refugees were forcibly repatriated. 4. rumble(ゴロゴロ鳴る) = My stom…

Daily English 2020.10.17

今日の単語。 1. forgo(~なしで済ませる、断念する) = Under the bad economic situation, many people are forgoing vacations. 2. concoct(でっち上げる) = She concocted a story about being kidnapped. 3. defame(中傷する、名誉を棄損する) = T…

Daily English 2020.10.16

今日の単語。 1. muffle(消す、包む) = Her voie was muffled by the loud music. 2. decipher(解読する) = The agents have yet to decipher the code. 3. impound(押収する) = The suspect's cell phone was impounded by the police. 4. repress(…

Daily English 2020.10.15

今日の単語。 1. surmount(克服する) = There are many obstacles to be surmounted. 2. taunt(あざける、なじる) = His classmates taunted him about his clothes. 3. expunge(削除する) = His remarks were expunged from the record. 4. flounder…

Daily English 2020.10.14

今日の単語。 1. empower(自立する力を与える、裁量権を与える) = The program is designed to empower refugees. 2. engender(引き起こす、抱かせる) = The film engendered controversy. 3. enlighten(啓発する) = A teacher's job is to enlighten …

Daily English 2020.10.13

今日の単語。 1. beguile(だます、欺く) = He was completely beguiled by her charms. 2. revamp(刷新する) = The high school revamped its curriculum last year. 3. haggle(交渉する) = He haggled over the price of the car. 4. defraud(金をだ…

Daily English 2020.10.12

今日の単語。 1. emancipate(解放する、自由にする) = In the US, slaves were officially emancipated in 1863. 2. snub(冷たくあしらう、無視する) = She felt snubbed because he had left so quickly. 3. discern(見分ける、見抜く) = The Hubble …

Daily English 2020.10.11

今日の単語。 1. rescind(無効にする、廃止する) = The court rescinded the comtract. 2. insinuate(遠回しに言う) = She insinuated that I was wrong. 3. revere(尊敬する) = He was revered as a national hero. 4. amass(蓄積する、集める) = H…

Daily English 2020.10.10

今日の単語。 1. mitigate(軽蔑する) = The government has tried to mitigate poverty by increasing expenditure on social welfare. 2. jeoparadize(危険にさせる、危うくする) = The scandal has jeoparadized his future as a politician. 3. corro…

Daily English 2020.10.09

今日の単語。 1. scuttle(駄目にする) = Bad weather wcuttled the launch of the Space Shuttle. 2. scour(探し回る) = Detectives scoured the crime scene for clues. 3. desdain(軽蔑する) = I disdain people who think they are better than oth…

Daily English 2020.10.09

今日の単語。 1. consolidate(強化する、確固たるものとする) = We need to consolidate our position in the Chinese market. 2. emanate(出る、発散する) = A sweet smell was emanating from the flowers. 3. erode(侵食する) = Waves erode coastl…

Daily English 2020.10.07

今日の単語。 1. impede(妨げる) = The search for the missing people was impeded by bad weather. 2. perpetrate(犯す、働く) = He was accused of perpetrating human rights violations. 3. gauge(読み取る) = It is always difficult to gauge p…

Daily English 2020.10.06

今日の単語。 1. harness(利用する、動力化する) = Wind can be harnessed to generate electricity. 2. curb(抑制する) = The country will take steps to curb inflation. 3. ensue(続いて起こる) = He showed up unexpectedly and an argument ensu…

Daily English 2020.10.05

今日の単語。 1. facilitate(容易にする、促進する) = The Internet has facilitated communication among people at different locations. 2. impair(低下させる、損なう) = Prolonged exposure to loud noises can impair hearing. 3. dispatch(派遣…

Daily English 2020.10.04

今日の単語。 1. disrupt(中断させる) = The event was disrupted by heavy rain. 2. hoard(ため込む) = Some exporters have hoarded their crops in the expectation of higher prices. 3. solicit(求める) = The company solicited funds from inve…

Daily English 2020.10.03

今日の単語。 1. nullify(無効にする) = The contract was nullified due to public opposition. 2. quench(のどの渇きを癒す) = I quenched my thirst with spring water. 3. veer(向きを変える、曲がる) = The car suddenly veered to the left. 4. …

Daily English 2020.10.02

今日の単語。 1. invigorate(元気づける) = His words invigorated her. 2. deter(抑止する) = Some say that nuclear weapons deter war. 3. prosecute(起訴する) = The suspect was prosecuted for fraud. 4. disparage(けなす) = Critics dispara…

Daily English 2020.10.01

今日の単語。 1. incite(扇動する、駆り立てる) = The religious leader was arrested for inciting a riot. 2. pique(刺激する、そそる) = His story piqued my interest. 3. manifest(表す) = The mother manifested her love for her daughter. 4. …

Daily English 2020.09.30

今日の単語。 1. deregulate(~を自由化する。規制緩和する) = The airline industry was deregulated in the US in 1978. 2. censure(けん責する、非難する) = The officer was censured for negligence of duty. 3. entail(伴う、含む) = Having a f…